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You probably won’t spend much time here, so let me cut to the chase.


My name is Takai, pronounced ‘Tuh-ky’. I often refer to the Star Trek character Hikaru Sulu, played by actor George Takei.


A long time ago, when I was a              , I dreamt of becoming a movie director. My first camera was a navy blue Nikon coolpix with a gray wrist strap. I felt like a magician being able to freeze time, in fact, my very first video was a stop motion of my shoes walking around the house.


Cut to a decade later, I am still that            who dreams of becoming a movie director, but this time with a little more to show for it. I am a Director who is passionate about curating culture through the power of storytelling. Either as a storyteller or a human, I stay true to who I am, but most importantly, I remain curious about our world. 


For me, every moment presents an opportunity for inspiration. I enjoy watching films, listening to music, reading books, and trying new things. If you want to create or share something dope, holla at me.


With love,


little boy

little boy

An iphone selfie mirror photo of Takai Ginwright.
An old photo of Takai Ginwright as a little baby boy.
An image of Takai Ginwright and Jeredon O'Conner on a film production set wearing matching yellow.
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